Green weddings
Because I live on an island, and ever since my work as a wedding planner and designer began, I have always thought it important to customize each wedding by using
Where to get married on the island of Elba
Le chiese dell'isola d'Elba e i siti storici dove celebrare cerimonie religiose e riti civili e dove organizzare ricevimenti di nozze esclusive: la Chiesa del Santissimo Sacramento a e il
Where to get married in Tuscany
La Toscana affascina per le bellezze che la abitano. Tra queste Villa La Palagina, nei pressi di Figline Valdarno, è una cornice di straordinaria bellezza per l'organizzazione di un matrimonio
Atelier “I Magazzini”
I’ll start from here! Starting from the “beating heart” of Portoferraio, quoting art historian Elba-native Gloria Peria (who often “lends her pen” to the Elba Per2 magazine), I’ll tell you
Getting married in Tuscany…
La Toscana è una terra unica che conquista e rimane nel cuore di chiunque. Sposarsi
Getting married on the island of Pianosa
L’incontro con Carolina e Filippo è stato emozionante e coinvolgente non soltanto per l’empatia che
A love at the time of Napoleon
This article is been writen for the magazine of touristic promotion Elba Per2 e non
The Islands of the Tuscan Archipelago, Tuscany and the LGBT+ Community
Everyone is dazzled by a rainbow! Everyone is captivated by its riot of colour that radiate across the sky and are lost in the horizon... Over the centuries, many legends